Exotic short hair cat
It’s a new breed of cat. Developed from crossbreeding between Persian cats (crushed face) and American Shorthair cats. until a new breed of cat was born is an exotic cat breed Which will have both short hair and long hair. And was recognized and recognized as a breed seriously by The Federation International Feline in 1986
The unique physical characteristics of the Thousand Exotic are a large round head, short face, small ears, big eyes, chubby body, thick and short neck, medium body size. It is a cat with short and large paws. There are many variations of colors just like Persian cats. in exotic short-haired cats It has short hair and a bushy tail, making hair care. It’s easier to do than a Persian cat. The exotic cat is a breed of cat that is playful, easy to raise, and has a gentle nature. The habit is calm, calm, well-mannered, rarely makes noise. If healthy, the Exotic Shorthair cat can live up to 15 years or more.